Status One of the Sorbian institutions in Lower Lusatia is the School for the Sorbian language and culture in Lower Lusatia”, which, since 1992 has been a branch of the adult education centre (Volkshochschule ) in Cottbus. As an independent branch of this centre this school has got every possible freedom to reach its highest goal: keeping and cultivating the Sorbish (Wendish) language and culture.


This school does no belong to the department of education, but to the department of culture. Nevertheless the tasks of this school do also meet educational aspects. Besides cultivating traditions a variety of classes are offered for the in – service training in the field of the Sorbian language and culture.


Thus measures are taken to provide a variety of courses which are organised in single events, lectures or meetings. This language school is active in the city of Cottbus / Chóśebuz but also in Wendish villages where it is required.

An increasing number of people showing interest come from 40 – 50 villages near Cottbus every year. Since 1991 the number of participants has increased by ten times! Last year 2.500 participants came from far and near to take part in our classes. This year until today has already been reached 1.300. Up to the end of this year we expect about 2.000.


A very important task for us was the foundation of the first Wendish kindergarten. Special in – service training courses of teachers of Sorbish (Wendish) and school stressing Sorbish (Wendish) are well – received.


The interests of the participants become more and more specific and varied. Learning the language especially by adults but also by youths and children is promoted in close contact with other Sorbian (Wendish) institutions and organisations.

A close interconnection of the interests of many associations develops interests in the cultural sphere as also in the Wendish church service.


Apart from regular language courses or lectures and seminars on the history of the Wendish people or their literature, courses on the cultivation of customs and the national costume (how to dress, preserve, embroider) are highly estimated. All the above mentioned facts play an important role in Lower Lusatia.

Each year new ideas arise and new requirements are discovered. Last year, for example, courses on peasants´ painting and embroidery in pearls have been newly established. Furthermore there they are this year further qualification courses on Wendish art for people working in cultural institutions or in the tourism branch, as well for the staff of museums.

A special climax is the cultivation of Wendish holidays during the course of year (zapust – carnival, Easter, Christmas). Part of this is also to get to know more about traditional crafts (basket – weaving, making a thatched roof, fishing, bee – keeping, etc.).

Basic principle

The basic principle of our work is always the close connection to the people, the villagers and thus their cultural heritage. Especially in the last years this school has succeeded in creating an enormous variety in the courses offered.


Therefore the school for the Sorbian language and culture has achieved an increasing popularity among the people and supports the Sorbs (Wends) by playing an important role in the cultural scene of the federal state of Brandenburg. In this way the adult education centre Cottbus has a special, specific and responsible task which is worth being kept.


You have the program in German, Sorbish / Wendish and Polish, too.

Sielower Straße 37/Ecke Pestalozzistraße
D - 03044 Cottbus
(0049) 355 / 79 28 29
(0049) 355 / 78 42 633